This page is very much a work in progress. I am evaluating new software that would, for example, sort the links by category and refine the formatting.
In the meantime, if you see any errors or have any suggestions, please feel free to contact me. Oh, and please feel very free to reciprocate with a link if your website is listed. It’s only fair!

A New Leaf Used Books
An independent bookstore with more than ten thousand used books in seven rooms of a renovated 19th century building in the center of the village of Pine Plains, New York. Co-owners James Polk and Ginger Dowd have run the business since 1999. We carry volumes of fiction, fantasy, puppets & marionettes, gardening, cookbooks, history, biography, art, photography, science, nature, women’s studies, criticism, black studies, automotive, maritime, aviation, Americana and general nonfiction. Some of our books are available on the Internet from, Alibris, Barnes & Noble, ABE Books, among others.

Fat Apple Farm
Fat Apple Farm
Fat Apple is a sustainable, ethical livestock farm in the Hudson Valley of New York. We believe that farming practices that treat our animals with dignity and holistically restore our beautiful land also lead to delicious and healthy products for our customers. Specifically, we raise:- pastured pork
- pastured poultry (chickens and turkey)
- pastured eggs (chicken and duck)
- grass-fed beef
- grass-fed lamb

Pine Plains Free Library