I am sure that this goes on all over America in small towns, but I am so thrilled at how our community of Pine Plains celebrates Halloween with its children. No committees or dot orgs. Just those community values of friendship and inclusion where everyone belongs.

I always enjoyed seeing adults dressed up when we went to the door. Then later enjoying all the costumes of the children that came to my door. Where I am living now you don’t see that. They have trunk or treat. People with their car trunks full of candy go to local park and the kids go there. There are fire trucks,ambulance and a helicopter for the kids to look through,and maybe a hayride. I don’t know, it seems to take all the fun out of it.
We take our grandson to Pine Plains to Trick or Treat. The community really gets into the spirit! The fire co. Auxiliary does a parade and party w/ contests for the children which we attended this year. The houses in town do great decoration and most dress up for the fun of the children coming to their homes! It’s great!
What a great Halloween celebration by Nancy Sullivan. The little tike pictured reminds me of MaryAnn Noe Culver at the same age with the
same blonde to almost white hair.